Can I repot my orchid? A few tips and tricks

Most plants need to be repotted from time to time. Providing more space and fresh potting soil encourages growth and prevents root suffocation. But orchids are a bit different. While you can repot an orchid, it doesn’t require the same frequency as other plants. In this article, we’ll delve into the reason why and provide you with some practical repotting tips.

Can I repot my orchid?

Yes, you can repot your orchid. But unlike most other plants, orchids prefer to be snug in their pots. The tighter the fit, the more flowers they will produce. Therefore, it’s not a problem if you see roots creeping outside the plastic pot. You’ll know it’s time to repot when the pot starts to crack. In general, you should repot your orchid every two to three years.

Also read: The importance of the plastic pot of an orchid


How to repot an orchid

The best time to repot an orchid is in the spring, when it can recover most effectively. Be extremely gentle when removing the orchid from its old pot, to minimize damage to the roots. Start by eliminating any unhealthy roots and yellowing leaves. Then, transfer the orchid to a plant pot that’s at least 20% larger than the previous one, ensuring ample room for the orchid to grow comfortably. For this, use special orchid potting soil, also called bark. Ordinary potting soil is too dense, restricting the orchid’s ability to breathe.

Also read: How to care for an orchid



Finally, soak the orchid in a water bath for around ten minutes, allowing it to absorb a sufficient amount of water. During the first few weeks after repotting, monitor the plant regularly and water more frequently if necessary.


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