Boost your wellbeing with long lasting and colorful orchids

Plants are not only beautiful; they are also beneficial for the (living) climate of the environment. Greenery indoors has a positive impact on people’s health and overall well-being. In this article, we delve deeper into the positive effects of indoor plants and provide some colorful examples of how to style long-lasting orchids in your interior.

Boost your wellbeing with long lasting and colorful orchids


The positive effects of indoor plants

Indoor greenery purifies the air and reduces concentrations of CO2 and volatile organic compounds, making the indoor climate fresher and healthier. Additionally, plants contribute to maintaining proper humidity levels through evaporation, reducing the likelihood of headaches and enhancing concentration. All of these factors result in indoor plants providing a boost to concentration, focus, and productivity – a must for your interior!



A healthy work environment

Integrating plants in and around the office and other workspaces is also beneficial for the climate. Plants in the office space reduce stress, improve concentration, and contribute to higher satisfaction with the workplace. This positively impacts the health and overall well-being of employees and visitors, promoting increased concentration, stress reduction, and higher labor productivity.

Read also: Create a cozy & comfortable home office with orchids


schönes Homeoffice



In summary, there are plenty of reasons to adorn your living and working spaces with a dose of flowering indoor plants. We provide you with inspiration on how to easily incorporate flowering indoor plants like orchids into these spaces.



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Guía para el cuidado de las orquídeas

Orchids: colors of the summer, last until fall

The orchid is known as the Queen of the plant kingdom. And did you know that orchids bloom longer than other types of flowers? If you buy an orchid now, in the summer, you can enjoy them until fall. Some orchids even bloom for months! Read on for more.


The big variety of orchids

The orchid is one of the most popular flowering houseplants, with flowers of all shapes and sizes. Here are some different varieties with their flowering period:


Orchids: colors of the summer

Orchid Phalaenopsis



The Phalaenopsis is the most famous orchid. They easily flower for eight weeks up to months. Phalaenopsis comes in more than 20,000 different species, which differ in colour, amount of flowers, the height of the flower stalk, and the number of branches that the plant produces. Read more about Phalaenopsis.


Orchid Paphiopedilum



Paphiopedilum flowers for six to ten weeks. Paphiopedilum is also called a lady’s slipper or slipper orchid. This genus includes between sixty and eighty species. Read more about Paphiopedilum.


Orchid Cambria



The average flowering time is six weeks. The flowers vary tremendously in size and shape: from one and a half centimetres to over ten centimetres and from star-shaped to almost round. The flowers are beautifully marked. Brown, red and purple are the colours that predominate, but there are also pink, orange and brown Cambria-likes and even a small number of white and yellow Cambria-likes with maroon markings. Read more about Cambria.


Orchid: happiness in its purest form

With the orchid you not only get a stylish addition to your home; you also experience a moment of happiness from nature. Consumer research shows that orchids take the top position in the list of houseplants associated with the feeling of happiness. For some because of the beautiful addition to the interior, for others, it is due to the long shelf life or getting the orchid back into bloom.


Internationale Dag van de Orchidee



The exotic orchids are not only beautiful, but also easy to care for. A dipping bath of 10-15 minutes every week is enough to easily enjoy your orchid for 8 weeks. A few tips:

  • Orchids love a light place, and don’t like direct sunlight
  • The ideal temperature is between 16 – 25°C
  • (Orchid) nutrition 1x per month

Read more about the variety and care tips per orchid here.




With spectacular colours, exciting shapes and breathtaking flowers the orchid is clearly no ordinary plant. The orchid instantly brings allure to a space and – contrary to popular belief – is a very easy plant. Few plants can be summed up as readily as the orchid: pure, nature, design and class!



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Orchid winter care tips: how to keep your orchids fit and vital

Do you ever wonder this: how much water does an orchid get? What is the best place in the house? And does an orchid actually need nutrition? The biggest misconception is that orchids are difficult to look after, when in fact they are so easy! With a little extra attention, you can enjoy your orchid for months, often even years. We collected some tips to keep your orchids in top condition this winter.

Orchid winter care tips: how to keep your orchids fit and vital



By far the most important step of orchid care is watering. In winter, we recommend watering once a week. Tip: to see whether your orchid needs water, just look at the roots. Are they grey then it’s time for water. Green roots mean the orchid has enough water.

If you wonder: when do I water too much or too little? With these three methods you’ll make sure your orchid is watered correctly. Check the video below or read it here: 3 ways to water your orchid.



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Put your orchid in a bright spot

As it is darker in winter, it is recommended to place your orchid close to the window. This way, they will still catch enough light, during the darker days. When looking for a spot for your orchid, there are a few things to consider:

  • Orchids like plenty of light, but they don’t like direct sunlight. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that you can never put your orchid on a window sill, just make sure to pick a sill that’s not in full sunlight all of the day. In winter, the orchid can safely be placed in the window sill, as the sun shows itself much less often then and is less bright.
  • Orchids don’t like draughts. A little fresh air now and then won’t be a problem, but be wary of windows and doors that are often open.
  • Another thing orchids don’t like is being near a heater. In summer, when your heater is off, it’s not a problem, but pay attention to this in winter.
  • Orchids like a room temperature of at least 15 to at most 25 °c. Most rooms in modern houses comfortably meet these demands.
  • The kitchen is a fine place for orchids, but be wary of fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables emit ethylene, which may cause your orchid to drop all its buds at once.



Cut off dead flowers

When the flowers of your orchid die, they dry out and eventually fall off. If this doesn’t happen naturally, you can also cut off the dried flowers carefully yourself. Doing so allows the plant to focus all its energy on its blooming flowers and new buds. During the bloom period of your orchid you don’t need to trim it. When your orchid has completely finished blooming, you may choose to trim it to stimulate the creation of new buds. How? Read this article: How do I get my orchid to flower again?



More care tips? You can read it here!

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