Everyday Happy Monday with Dutch bloggers Leoni and Tineke

Recently, Happy Monday Blog’s enthusiastic sisters Leoni and Tineke got to work on orchid styling. They are both photographers, have a great sense of styling and love for flowers and plants. Leoni and Tineke call each other every Monday to catch up. Hence, their blog is called Happy Monday. Those who follow their blog or Instagram channel have been able to admire the results. Doesn’t that make you happy every day? Read on for inspiration!

Read also: Create a cozy & comfortable home office with orchids



Light and open spaces

Although the sisters’ houses are more than 50 km apart, you wouldn’t say so when you see the interiors. One seems like an extension of the other as Leoni and Tineke both like a calm style with lots of light and space. White walls form the base along with a grey or wooden floor.



The interiors make extensive use of natural materials such as rattan, wicker, linen and wool. This creates a warm, inviting atmosphere. If you check out the interior photos on their blog or Instagram channel, also pay attention to the doors. Leonie and Tineke have a love for old ones.



Colorful mix

In calm, light interiors, orchids come into their own. The colours of the different flowers seem even more intense. To create eye-catchers, the orchids are not scattered around the house, but grouped in pots. Although Leonie and Tineke opted for a colourful mix of yellow, pink and white orchids, the overall look remains calm. This is due, for example, to their choice of pots. They are mostly white. No, the different shapes and structures do not make them boring. Apart from white pots, the exotic flowering plants have also found a place in sea grass baskets and wooden crates.


Photo: Happy Monday Blog


Curious about Tineke & Leonie’s blog? Then visit happymondayblog.nl and follow them on Instagram via Happymonday.blog.


Want to know more about caring for orchids? Find care tips here.

Boost your wellbeing with long lasting and colorful orchids

Plants are not only beautiful; they are also beneficial for the (living) climate of the environment. Greenery indoors has a positive impact on people’s health and overall well-being. In this article, we delve deeper into the positive effects of indoor plants and provide some colorful examples of how to style long-lasting orchids in your interior.

Boost your wellbeing with long lasting and colorful orchids


The positive effects of indoor plants

Indoor greenery purifies the air and reduces concentrations of CO2 and volatile organic compounds, making the indoor climate fresher and healthier. Additionally, plants contribute to maintaining proper humidity levels through evaporation, reducing the likelihood of headaches and enhancing concentration. All of these factors result in indoor plants providing a boost to concentration, focus, and productivity – a must for your interior!



A healthy work environment

Integrating plants in and around the office and other workspaces is also beneficial for the climate. Plants in the office space reduce stress, improve concentration, and contribute to higher satisfaction with the workplace. This positively impacts the health and overall well-being of employees and visitors, promoting increased concentration, stress reduction, and higher labor productivity.

Read also: Create a cozy & comfortable home office with orchids


schönes Homeoffice

Foto: Mooiwatplantendoen.nl


In summary, there are plenty of reasons to adorn your living and working spaces with a dose of flowering indoor plants. We provide you with inspiration on how to easily incorporate flowering indoor plants like orchids into these spaces.



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What to do with an orchid with mealybugs?

Mealybug or aphid. All bugs that are not welcome on orchids. Of course, you hope your orchid will never suffer from it, but unfortunately it is a common plague on many types of plants. If it does happen, in this article we give tips on what you can best do about it.


What to do with mealybugs?

Does your orchid suffer from lice? Then here is a useful tip! To combat the lice, mix 90 ml of spirit, 140 ml of water and 3 drops of detergent or green soap. Shake well and spray on the lice. Be careful with the flowers, though, as it may stain them. You can also buy lice control products at the garden centre. Usually you have to repeat this a few times, as lice are stubborn.

Also read: Care tips from the orchid growers


How do you recognise mealybugs?

Mealybugs can be recognised by small white bugs of about 3 to 5 millimetres that secrete a substance that looks like cotton wools. Like almost all lice, mealybugs also secrete sticky honeydew. You can recognise this by the shiny speckles on the leaves of your orchid. The bug feeds on plant sap. It causes unsightly puncture marks on the leaves, but can also weaken the weakened one, making it more susceptible to other pathogens.



What causes mealybugs?

Mealybugs are strongly attracted to moisture. So if you have mealybugs on your orchid, it could well be that the plant is getting too much water. Aphids often appear in the winter months when the humidity in the house is too dry and the pot and roots too wet. Draughts can also be a cause. When fighting mealybugs, it is therefore important not to water the plant too much in order to further repel the aphids and eventually deprive them of nutrition.


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Visit the orchid show during Keukenhof 2024 in The Netherlands

Keukenhof is the perfect place to celebrate spring in the Netherlands. The flower park in Lisse will be open for the 75th time from March 21, 2024. It’s one of the most beautiful attractions in The Netherlands and is visited by people from all over the world.

Also read: This is Peach Fuzz: Pantone’s Colour of the Year for 2024


Keukenhof 2024

Keukenhof will be open from Thursday 21 March to Sunday 21 May 2024. The 15 km hiking trails are laid out in such a way that you have a spectacular view of the fragrant flower gardens and flower greenhouses. During your walk, you will see unique, weekly changing flower shows, beautiful ponds and various pavilions with restaurants and terraces. In addition to the flower gardens, Keukenhof is also home to the largest sculpture park in the Netherlands. You can admire many images here, made by national and international artists.

Keukenhof displays flowers and blooming plants not only outdoors, but also indoors. In the Beatrix Pavilion, you can enjoy orchids in a wonderful colourful ambiance!



Practical information

Keukenhof is open from Thursday 21 March to Sunday 12 May 2024, from 8:00 am – 7:30 pm. More information and tickets can be found on their website.

Stationsweg 166A
2161 AM Lisse


Also read: Boost your wellbeing with long lasting and colorful orchids

Guida alla cura delle Orchidee

Guía para el cuidado de las orquídeas

Valentine’s recipe: an orchid bouquet

Of course, you can surprise your loved one on Valentine’s Day with an original do-it-yourself like scented sticks with Cambria, or even more fun: a kokedama with special orchids. But do you want to put your Valentine in the spotlight? Then surprise them with an orchid bouquet: flowers that last for months! If that’s not eternal love!


A bouquet of happiness

With the orchid, you not only bring a stylish addition into your home; you also experience a moment of happiness from nature. That orchids make people happy is proven by consumer research, with the orchid once again reaching the top spot in the list of houseplants that promote happiness. For some because of the beautiful addition in the interior, for others, it is in the long shelf life or getting the orchid to bloom again.



Months of flowering

The orchid is known as the queen of the plant kingdom. And did you know that the flowering period of orchids lasts longer than most other types of flowering plants? Phalaenopsis – the best-known orchid – easily bloom for eight weeks to months. Paphiopedilums are also sometimes called venus slippers (in English lady slipper or slipper orchid) bloom for six to 10 weeks. The average flowering time of Cambria orchids is six weeks.

Read more here: These are the 11 most famous orchids


The meaning of orchids

Since ancient times, flowers and plants have been used to make something clear to others. In the Middle Ages, but also in times before, great value was placed on symbolism. In Europe, the orchid is known for its beauty, richness and power.

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DIY: kokedama with exclusive orchids

How nice is it to take your orchid out of its pot and turn it into a kokedama? This is very well possible since orchids have aerial roots and can therefore grow without potting soil. The pot is really only used to place orchids. Pack the root ball as a kokedama (moss ball) for an even more beautiful styling and natural look. A trendy indoor mini garden with exclusive orchids. Easily done, and a beautiful effect!



DIY: Kokedama with exclusive orchids

You will need:

  • Paphiopedilum
  • Sheet moss
  • Winding wire
  • Wire cutters


Read also: DIY: scented sticks with Cambria and tuberose


Get to work:

Step 1:

Carefully remove the Orchid from the plastic pot. As well as Paphiopedilum, you can also use other exclusive orchids of course.


DIY: Kokedama with exclusive orchids

Photo: Thejoyofplants.co.uk


Step 2:

Fold the moss around the roots and try to keep as much of the root ball inside the moss as possible.


DIY: Kokedama with exclusive orchids

Photo: Thejoyofplants.co.uk


Step 3:

Secure the moss by wrapping the wire around it. Keep the moss damp with a plant spray.


DIY: Kokedama with exclusive orchids

Photo: Thejoyofplants.co.uk



Curious about the best way to water your orchid? Also read: 3 ways to water your orchid


Source: Thejoyofplants.co.uk

Phalaenopsis: meet the splendid moth orchid

The Phalaenopsis orchid is a slender plant with shining leaves, whose flowers emerge charmingly from the top of long stems. Also known as the moth orchid, this may be the prettiest species in your plant collection.


Colors and shapes of the Phalaenopsis

Phalaenopsis’ nickname of moth orchid is derived from the shape of its flowers which resembles fluttering, elegant moths. The plant is popular with fans of pastels because it comes in purple, pink, salmon, white and yellow varieties. If you see a bright blue version, know that the colour effect has been created with dye. There are also patterned varieties, which produce petals boasting pretty spots or stripes. You can also spot Phalaenopsis by its fleshy roots, thick, shiny leaves and tall flower stems.




Phalaenopsis isn’t just lovely to look at, its symbolism is also charming. It’s almost a given that this flower stands for elegance, femininity and attachment.


Read also: What is the meaning of orchids?



In the wild, Phalaenopsis orchids grow on trees and rocks in the tropical rainforests in Asia and Australia. It makes this plant an epiphyte, a plant that lives on other plants but without drawing nutrients from them. In the 18th century Europeans abroad brought Phalaenopsis back home with them, where it was quickly and successfully established as a houseplant.


Phalaenopsis: meet the splendid moth orchid

Photo: Thejoyofplants.co.uk


Phalaenopsis care tips:

  • The plant likes light, but not the bright summer sun.
  • Immerse the roots weekly in water.
  • Spritz the leaves with water during the dry winter.
  • Feed once a month in winter, and twice a month during the rest of the year.



Source: Thejoyofplants.co.uk


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Cattleya: photogenic beauty with a classic look

Sculpted edges – sometimes with small frills – and large flowers with an enormous lips – these are what make Cattleya one of the most recognisable orchids.


Colors and shapes

Cattleya is a distinctive houseplant with a pseudobulb on which there are just a couple of thick leaves. There are large and small-flowered Cattleyas: the small-flowered species have more flowers per stem than the large-flowered ones. The flowers are usually ten to twenty centimetres in diameter, and range in colour from white through yellow, orange, green, pink, and purple to fabulous pastels. Some are beautifully scented, which has earned Cattleya the nickname ‘Queen of the Orchids’.




English orchid collector William Cattleya gave the Cattleya its name. The orchid has no specific symbolic meaning but is associated with fertility and virility. The expression ‘to catleya’ (‘faire catleya’ or ‘arranger les catleyas’) is a euphemism for amorous goings-on between Odette and Swann in Marcel Proust’s ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’.


Read also: What is the meaning of orchids?



Cattleya is a tropical orchid which only occurs in South and Central America. It’s an epiphyte, which means that it lives on trees and bark without drawing nutrients from them. As ecological competition in the jungle is fierce, Cattleya often opts for height and establishes itself high up in trees. Of all the orchids, Cattleya has the most varied appearance. All Cattleyas also have fairly hard leaves. This indicates that they get a reasonably large amount of light or sun in their natural environment, and therefore need it indoors as well.



Care tips:

  • Position: preferably light, but no direct sunlight.
  • Immerse the pot for half an hour with a small dose of orchid food once every 10 to 14 days, then allow it to drain thoroughly.
  • Cattleya thrives on high humidity: place the pot on a kind of island of damp clay beads.
    If the air indoors is very dry, e.g. because of central heating, it’s best to mist an orchid’s buds every day. This prevents them from drying out and not opening.
  • The orchid will keep looking its best with some ‘benign neglect’. Remove wilted flowers, but otherwise leave the plant alone.


Source: Thejoyofplants.co.uk


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